America is home of the decendants of Joseph’s son Ephraim.
Our Inheritance is not being recieved fully because we do not know who we truly are, a people appointed to be partakers of the Kingdom.
Our enemies the fallen angels and those who give aid to their rebellion continue trying to convince you that everything you should recieve does not belong to you.
The enemy will continue trying to convince you that you’re just step children though you be the heirs of the Kingdom of God!
Stand Strong, We are closer to seeing the King, and our Kingdom Inheritance then ever before! Daniel 7:18 But the saints of the most high shall recieve the Kingdom…
Daniel 7:18 But the saints of the most high shall recieve the Kingdom.
Shalom from Kenya, we are very happy to be learning more through your wonderful website teachings over here in Kenya East Africa. Please can we work together, looking forward to joining hands together with you to bring the true gospel in Kenya Africa. My email is johnotienoobonyo@gmail.com
Pastor John, I sincerely pray that you will continue to grow in your relationship, Word and Ministry there.
Please return from time to time and visit us again. I hope you and yours will receive blessing and increase from the teaching of Yahweh about His will and His Word. Shalom